

Crowdin Discord Server latest tag last commit Contributor Covenant

A Discord bot done right. No bullshit like pay- or votewalls.

This is the rewrite for Kayano (now Tako). Before the rewrite it was written in JavaScript/Node.js with the Discord.js Library. But now it’s written in Python with the discord.py Library. We have made some very great improvements and we hope you’ll like it.

Warning | This project is still in it’s early days and might have a few bugs. We are trying hard to eliminate those as soon as possible.

🏃‍♂️ Get Started

Do you need help or found a bug? Open an issue!

📀 What you need

Be sure to install everything before heading to the next step.

📥 Installation

Please note that instead of python your command may be python3 or similar.

  1. Clone this repository
    • Stable (Latest tag)
      • REPO=https://github.com/tako-discord/tako.git && git clone $REPO --single-branch --branch $(git ls-remote --tags --refs $REPO | tail -n1 | cut -d/ -f3) -c advice.detachedHead=false
    • Unstable/Development (Latest commit)
      • git clone https://github.com/tako-discord/tako.git
  2. Install dependencies
    • cd tako
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Create the database
  4. Add Secrets
    • Create a bot_secrets.py inside the tako folder
    • Use this as a template:
       TOKEN = "" # https://discord.com/developers/applications
       DB_NAME = "tako" # Or however you named your database
       DB_HOST = "localhost" # gonna be different if using a non-local database
       DB_PORT = 5432 # Optional port of the DB (Default: 5432)
       DB_USER = "postgres"
       DB_PASSWORD = ""
       YOUTUBE_API_KEY = "" # https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/getting-started
       TMDB_API_KEY = "" # https://www.themoviedb.org/documentation/api
    • More info: soon™️
  5. Initialize Database
    • python helper.py (Be sure that you are still in the tako folder you cloned earlier)
    • Choose “Init Database”
  6. Start the bot
    • python helper.py and choose “Start the bot” OR python main.py
  7. Sync commands
    • Inside discord run tk!sync (or if available: /sync) in a channel the bot has access to. This is to make all slash commands visible.
  8. Enjoy! 😀

🔁 Updating

  1. Switch to newest tag (recommended)
    • git checkout $(git ls-remote --tags --refs $REPO | tail -n1 | cut -d/ -f3)
  2. Get latest code (unstable)
    • git checkout master (If you used the stable version previously)
    • git pull

🤝 Contributing

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create a new branch
  3. Make your changes in that branch
    • If you cloned your fork:
      • Run pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg to install the needed pre-commit
      • Run cz commit to commit the changes (you need to git add the files first)
    • Otherwise:
  4. Make a Pull Request
  5. Be proud of yourself 👍

💖 Credits

Huge thanks to …all the testers

…and every other person helping. Like Contributors, Translators etc.

It’s a big journey and we are happy to be on it with you!

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